#MichiganMusicCypher round 2 beat

Iight people, time to get this popping again! Here is the #MichiganMusicCypher round 2 beat. Once again, ANYBODY CAN HOP IN THE CYPHER! ANYBODY AND EVERYTHING (If your from Michigan of course)....But yeah, here goes the beat, the first videos will be posted next week sometime so be on the look out!


Send Videos to: MichiganMusicCypher@Gmail.com

First round is complete!!

Iight its been a good little two weeks to kick this cypher off. Shouts out to everybody who submitted a video this round! If you didnt know already, we switched up a few things. Instead of the whole "If you dont get your video in for the first round, you wont be able to hop in the 2nd round" stuff, we decided to let anybody and everybody jump in whenever you wish! Later in the cypher there will be a point where we choose who goes to the next round and able to perform at the TBA #MichiganMusicCypher event.

But overall, good shit to everybody. The next round is to start on 02-10-11. So on that date, be prepared to see a lot of dope ass videos again! People gone have to come harder if they want to stand out in this round! The beat will be posted between 02-01 - 02-07 so stay on the lookout for it.

Once again, good shit to Everybody who got they videos in. good luck on the next round #MichiganMadeMusic
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