
A Change In Some Shit...

Number 1: A million people have been asking us about this deadline and we just decided to let a little free for all go on. So, instead of the first round ending and you not getting your video in to move to the next round. All the rounds are open. Rounds or heats we should call them, will last 2 weeks and a new beat will be presented

To sum all this up for yall who hate reading. You can hop in the cypher if you are late on the deadline. We just gone keep it going till Michigan as a whole is in this.

Number 2: The email (Deniremusic@gmail.com) is no longer the place to send videos! You can now send them to michiganmusiccypher@gmail.com

Number 3: This is not a competition! Lol I understand people want to eat each other alive in bars but lets have fun. Spread Michigan Music out for the better.

And last, here is the first heat beat which you can still make a video and spit to. Up to 01-31 it can be posted.

Flipfool x Kp x Shai

Start of the Michigan Music Cypher

Videos for the cypher can be found here and the youtube page http://www.youtube.com/MIchiganMusicCypher

#MIchiganMusicCypher with BEAT

The Michigan Music Cypher is something put on by Denire x IMK

BEAT: http://usershare.net/tx5f2efw6txf

How its poppin off is, tomorrow (Monday, 01-17), videos will be posted here...First round will last 2 weeks The deadline is 01-31-11. After that, another round will start. IF YOUR VIDEO/AUDIO IS NOT IN BEFORE THE 2 WEEKS IS OVER YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GO TO THE NEXT ROUND. The next round will be the same as the first, you spit 16 to a different beat that we will provide, turn in the video within 2 weeks....and done. The 3rd round is when we meet up at a location and do the cypher. That will be recorded by us and uploaded. In due time after that, a event will be thrown. A cypher will take place, and chance for you to perform your own individual songs.

Its not a competition. It is a foot post for people to hear Michigan music.
Anymore questions you can contact @Denire @Phresh_Prada @Juicejonesimk on twitter
Good luck.
 Email all videos to DenireMusic@gmail.com
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